EMRALD Backend Information
File References
Files on a local machine or server can be referenced in the following model locations:
- Action "Run Application": The field "Executable Location" is the path or command to the executable to be run. See Run Application under Types of Actions for more information.
- Variable "Document Link": The field "Doc Path" is the file path to a text document read from and/or written to by the variable. See Document Link for more information.
The other files EMRALD references or creates are done in the simulation engine through the GUI or the command line (See EMRALD Solver and the Command Line Options for more details):
- UI "Basic Run Loc": Specifies the location for the basic results file, can also be passed in through the command line.
- UI "Path Results Loc": Specifies the location for the JSON path results file, can also be passed in through command line.
- UI "Debug" option: If the user specifies this option, then a debug.txt file is saved to the location where the EMRALD solve engine is executed from, overwriting any previous debug file.
Dynamic Scripts
EMRALD runs user defined scripts to perform evaluations and post process data. These scripts have access to the following .net libraries:
- System.IO
- System.Collections.Generic
- MathNet.Numerics.Distributions
- Newtonsoft.json
Users can define scripts in the following locations:
- Action "Run Application": Fields "Preprocess Code" and "Postprocess Code." See Run Application under Types of Actions for more information.
- Action "Change Var Value": Fields "New Code Value" and See New Code Value under Types of Actions for more information.
- Event "Var Condition": Field "Evaluate Code." See Variable Condition under Conditional Events for more information.
- Event "Ext Simulation": Field "Evaluate Code." See Variable Condition under Conditional Events for more information.
Default Variales
All custom user scripts can use the following default variables:
- CurTime type[double]: The current time of the simulation in hours.
- RunIdx type[int]: The current index or count of simulations run in this batch.
The "Run Application" action, see Run Application under Types of Actions also has the following: Preprocess Code
- ExePath type[string]: The path to the application being run. Postprocess Code
- ExeExitCode type[int]: Exit code of the application that ran.
- OutputFile type[string]: The path to any text written to standard out when executing the application.
The "Var Condition" event, see Variable Condition under Conditional Events, also has the following:
- NextEvTime type[double]: The simulation time for the next event in EMRALD.